Located in San Francisco, c2c Project Space features a unique program focused on fostering a dynamic and ongoing conversation between visual artists in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area. In its various functions as artist workspace, residency program and formal exhibition venue, c2c provides multifaceted support for ensuring that a vibrant visual conversation is maintained across a great geographical divide.
Our primary exhibition format is two-person shows featuring one artist from New York and one artist from the Bay Area. Each duo is provided the space to create, explore, and present the evidence of their new relationship. Exhibitions generally include preexisting works created by each individual as well as new pieces made collaboratively in the space. The importance and mutual benefit of transcontinental exchange is a core part of c2c’s operating philosophy. This methodology allows both the artists and our audience to experience work that challenges the parameters of their local zeitgeist, and creates an opportunity for ideas from these two rich creative centers to merge or collide.
The Spring Break Art Fair and its Copy and Paste theme represents a unique opportunity for c2c to work within its usual scope of interest but with a geographic reversal of venue. Our proposal involves our presenting work by artists living and working in the Bay Area paired with selected work from New York City based artists. However, instead of a two-person show, our proposal includes the pairing of eight artists into four pairs. Our focus is on eight artists who, in a host of ways, utilize “cutting and pasting” in their practice. The shift of location, from west to east, the increased quantity of participants and artistic processes will together re-contextualize and enrich the conversation we have built over the few years.